The Future is Now: Optimized Design for Optimized Health

Design presents an opportunity to shape our world, to look ahead with clear eyes and critically assess how we live now and how we want to live in the future. This opportunity becomes exponentially greater when working with an aligned client who is on the leading edge of their field… in this case, biohacking. 

For those who are not familiar with the term, biohacking is a relatively new biotechnological social movement making its way into the mainstream. It is essentially the practice of enhancing and optimizing our biology through the use of technologies to help us live a longer and healthier life. We think Dave Asprey, who is often referred to as the “Father of Biohacking” and the creator of the global phenomenon Bulletproof Coffee, summarized the definition well: “Biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside you so that you have more control over your own biology.”

We were approached by our close friends Lisa and Craig to give life and space to their biohacking concept. We worked closely with them to develop a holistic brand that reflected a fine balance between medicine, fitness, and health. This started off with developing a brand identity, including the clinic’s name, Aeon, which has etymological roots relating to “life,” “vital force,” and “forever.”  The name, which is at once contextual, playful, and non-sensical, served as a springboard to envision a space that reflected the hyper surreal and futuristic experience.

Aeon’s innovative treatments dive deeper than traditional practices through the use of breakthrough technology, with personalized treatments to increase health and longevity, aid in regenerative and pain management, fastrack fitness and weightloss, and improve sleep and stress management. Traditionally the word ‘hacking’ has a negative connotation—often thought of when a computer is hacked, or an election is unfairly rigged—but biohacking allows the bypass of limitations with clever solutions. This is at the core of Aeon’s innovative treatments and was also at the core of our design process. 

Like biohacking, our design incorporates simple solutions with maximum impact. We used a monochromatic palette of varying textures to create a space that envelopes you and minimizes distractions. We tapped into the essence of light to create optical illusions and a surreal atmosphere. Dim light soothes, bright light attracts, a soft glow calms, red light energizes, and indirect light feels natural. Aeon showcases the emotive power of design to both transport and comfort, increasing the effectiveness of the treatments, and further optimizing your health.

We believe that the future will be all about small, impactful shifts to help enhance and optimize our world. As technology continues to evolve and expand it leads to new spaces and opens the portal to experimenting with futuristic design.

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Musical Mélange – a collection of songs that our team is currently loving


The Pursuit of Belonging