Luxury Prison. The Instagram diary of @walker.mckinley 's work-from-home experience.

The entire world has felt the strain of quarantine and isolation that has resulted from the global COVID pandemic. We have all been faced with challenges at every front and been forced to reflect on our values, priorities, and simple notions like our own personal definitions of home.

McKinley Studios retreated during the first wave of infections to a work-from-home structure and - not surprisingly, given our talented team - managed to not just survive but embrace the challenge and move our business forward. We re-structured our company, merged with other creatives to create new divisions, built a brand identity and website not only for McKinley Studios but also for five of our related divisions, enhanced the artificial intelligence and data collection capacities of our research division, and managed to keep our entire team busy and productive.


All the while, founder Walker McKinley kept a daily Instagram log of his work-from-home experience. Having quarantined in his mid-century modern home overlooking Vancouver, Walker made both a visual record of his striking surroundings but also kept a daily diary of his thoughts and feelings as they evolved during this unprecedented period.

Here’s a little snapshot of the daily images of his house but check out @walker.mckinley – they’re worth a read.


Dawn Patrol.


“Nature is, by far, the best designer”